Thursday, January 6, 2011


Read:  (Luke 12:49- Luke 13:5)

You may notice that there is a lot to cover in all of these verses. So, for sake of time and space, we will only look at Luke 13:1-5  However, I want to give you an overview of the other verses.
In Luke 12:49-59, Jesus warns about the coming of relational divisions. In verses 54-59, he warns against future crisis’ and in Luke 13:1-5, He calls people to repent!    
While walking on our university campus a few months ago, I noticed a man who was standing on a planter in front of Corbett Center holding a sign and proclaiming, “Repent or go to Hell!” The word "hell" sounded almost like "hail," stretching out a "long a" sound in a high pitch voice mimicking the voice of a southern television evangelist!
I was so embarrassed for him. He seemed almost foreign to the campus culture, obviously distracting other passersby. While I was trying to communicate God's love and forgiveness to the international students in our small group, this man was making a spectacle of himself while preaching about Hell. He was the very stereotype that I was trying to dispel!
Yet, while his demeanor and method seemed to be ineffective and out-of-context, his message was Jesus' message! Jesus, like his predecessor John the Baptist, was a preacher of repentance. His earliest message was this: “The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe the gospel.” (Mark 1:15).
Repentance means change. The Greek word “metanoeo” means: to change one's mind; to feel remorse; repent; be converted; that is to turn from our sinful behavior. When God speaks to us about our sinful living, he gives us only two options: to repent or perish!
So, what is true repentance? It involves confession with the mind AND the mouth. It’s agreeing with what God says is sin. It’s saying, “I’m guilty! No excuses! No buts! No blame! I accept responsibility for my behavior!”
Repentance also involves contrition, a word that we don’t often use. The program on my Macbook defines it as: the state of feeling remorseful and penitent, involving one’s emotions and expressions. It is obvious by your countenance that you are truly repentant!
It also involves change, which engages your will and your works. You prove yourself repentant by actually taking some steps towards change and by being accountable to someone.
So you see, repentance is not just guilt, though guilt sometimes motivates repentance. Repentance is not mere remorse, though remorse sometimes triggers repentance. True repentance is about change!
When people hear the Good News of the Kingdom of God coming in Jesus, the Messiah, they must change from their sinful ways or be judged with an awesome judgment.
Jesus was not a prophet of the status quo. He often offended the high priests of established religion. He scandalized the self-centered symbols of the “religious right” of that day. Jesus spoke words of hope and glory, but also demanded change. Repent or perish! Change or be judged! It grieved Him that for many, their choice, their end would be judgment
Although, this is a relatively long passage, I’ll be moving rather quickly this week so we can see and appreciate this oft-neglected part of Jesus' message and mission. I’ll see you this Sunday... no excuses!

What type of things divide families today, even Christian families?
What does the “fire” that Jesus comes to bring represent? Why does He long for it to be kindled?
Why does Jesus insist that they all should understand the current times?
What are the consequences for failing to settle debts before facing the judge?
What does Jesus teach about the nature of judgment?

In what ways do these verses surprise you or challenge your image of Jesus?
How does your life reflect the “urgency” with which Jesus calls for repentance?
How are we living hypocritical lives by ignoring the “signs of the times”?
What “debts” do you still have to settle?
What sin do you have in your life that you need to repent of?  Where in your life do you need to repent of thinking that your sin is “not as bad as others”?

Take moment to ask the Lord to help you (re)ignite a fire, a passion for Him and to help you live 2011 with NO EXCUSES!
Some quotes excerpted from:

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