Thursday, September 15, 2011

“Catching God’s Vision For His Church”

Recently, I’ve been reading through the book of Acts and, once again, I have been both challenged and thrilled at the same time.
I began to read it with some questions in mind: 1) What makes a great church? 2) What caused growth in the early church? 3) How was the early church structured? 4) How can we at Sierra Vista be more in alignment with the church in Acts?

It could be dangerous to enter into a study with questions like this because you can be assured that God will answer them through His Word!

Let me ask you the same questions. In your opinion, what makes a great church? Is it a large building? Is it having a healthy budget? Is it having a dynamic, well-known ministry staff? Is it having lots of programs or multiple services? Is it having over a certain amount in attendance?

We live in an age, that with a click of a mouse, we can access all kinds of resources. I recently did an internet search on “Church Growth” and I was amazed at how many experts there are on the subject and how much has been written about it. But, the question still remains, what does God say is the key to church growth? What is your opinion on this? As you strive to answer this, be sure to make it void of your preferences, religious culture and religious upbringing. Let God’s word guide you.

Sometimes our churches take on the make-up or structure of an organization instead of remaining an organism, something that is living! In your opinion what are some set backs to our contemporary churches structure?

As you look at our modern church what are some things that you know through God’s word that need to change or realign with the church in the book of Acts?

I pose these questions to you, not only to stimulate your thinking, but also to encourage you to give me your input on what you think. I really am anxious to hear from you.

I highly encourage you to come join us this Sunday as we begin our new series “Catching God’s Vision For His Church”. This week I will begin with “What Makes A Great Church?” as we look at God’s word for answers.

This Sunday also marks our relaunch of our LIFE Groups. Why don’t you make plans to try  one out this week? Refer to the  bulletin for meeting times and places.

Read: Acts 4:32-37

Differences of opinion are inevitable among human personalities and can actually be helpful if handled well. But, spiritual unity is essential– loyalty, commitment, and love for God and his Word. Without spiritual unity, the church could not survive! Paul wrote the letter of 1 Corinthians to urge the church in Corinth toward greater unity.

None of these Christians felt that what they had was their own, and so, they were able to give and share, eliminating poverty among them. They would not let a brother or sister suffer when others had plenty. How do you feel about your possessions? We should adopt the attitude that everything we have comes from God, and we are only sharing what is already his.

The early church was able to share possessions and property as a result of the unity brought by the Holy Spirit working in and through the believers’ lives. This way of living is different from communism because:

  • The sharing was voluntary.
  • It didn’t involve all private property but only as much as was needed.
  • It was not a membership requirement in order to be a part of the church.

The spiritual unity and generosity of these early believers attracted others to them. This organizational structure is not a biblical command, but it does offer vital principles for us to follow.

Barnabas (Joseph) was a respected leader of the church. He was a Levite by birth, a member of the Jewish tribe that carried out Temple duties. But his family had moved to Cyprus, so Barnabas didn’t serve in the Temple. He instead traveled with Paul on Paul’s first missionary journey (13:1).

  • In what small group setting have you sensed the most unity: A Life Group? A team? A Bible Study? A Family? Why?
  • Take a moment and compare Acts 4: 32-35 with Acts 2:42-47. What qualities mark this church? Take a moment and list them.
  • How well does verse 32 describe your relationship with others in your church? What would have to change for such sharing to be possible?
  • What can you personally do to promote this type of unity as mentioned in these verses?

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