Saturday, October 1, 2011


Ice Breaker: When you’re really thirsty, what quenches your thirst the best?       

        This week we will be looking specifically at John 4:35-39 and Matthew 9:35-38. Please take a moment to read both passages before you begin this study. In fact it would be to your benefit to read John 4:7-42.

        This particular passage is one of my favorite. I hope it speaks to you and challenges you as it has me. Enjoy the study!
        Here are some comments taken from my Life Application Bible that will aid you in understanding the passage better.

        (4:34) The “food” about which Jesus was speaking was His spiritual nourishment. It includes more than Bible study, prayer and attending church. Spiritual nourishment also comes from doing God’s will and helping to bring His work of salvation to completion. We are nourished not only by what we take in, but also what we give out for God. In 17:4, Jesus refers to completing God’s work on earth.

        (4:35) Sometimes Christians excuse themselves from witnessing by saying that their family or friends aren’t ready to believe. Jesus however, makes it clear that around us a continual harvest waits to be reaped. Don’t let Jesus find you making excuses. Look around. You will find people ready to hear God’s word.

        (4:36-38) The wages Jesus offers are the joy of working for Him and seeing the harvest of believers. These wages come to sower and reaper alike because both find joy in seeing new believers come into Christ’s kingdom. The phrase “others have done the hard work” (4:38) may refer to the Old Testament prophets and to John the Baptist, who paved the way for the gospel.

         (4:39) The Samaritan woman immediately shared her experience with others. Despite her reputation, many took her invitation and came out to meet Jesus. Perhaps there are sins in our past of which we are ashamed. But Christ changes us. As people see these changes, they become curious. Use these opportunities to introduce them to Christ.

        Instead of avoiding Samaria as Jews often did, Jesus passed through this area that Jews considered inhabited by spiritual and ethnic half-breeds (mestizos). Not only that, but Jesus stopped to talk to a woman of questionable reputation.

Personal  And Group Questions:
  • How would you describe this woman’s response for most of her conversation with Jesus? Why?
  • What most influenced the woman to consider that the man she was talking to was the Messiah?
  • Jesus offered this woman “living water” for what she was thirsting for in life. What do you think she really wanted?
  • Jesus overcame social and cultural differences to reach this woman. How can you overcome those same barriers?
  • What are you thirsting for most in life right now?
  • What do you need to do to relieve your spiritual thirst?
  • Considering your interest in “spiritual thing,” are you more like the disciples or the woman? Why?
  • What have you learned from the woman about telling others about Jesus?
  • How would you like this group to pray for you?

Some questions excerpted from Serendipity Bible & Small Group Questions

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