Thursday, July 7, 2011


As a kid, I loved pretending to be a Roman soldier. I remember picking up any- thing from my dad’s construction material pile at home and using it as a part of my “armor”. I recall one particular time when my cousins and I even built a fire to heat up some rebar beating it down flat to make some really neat swords. After crafting our armor and weapons, we then assigned sides and finally, the war began! Oh the trouble we got into in those days! The funny thing is, I still like swords, bows and arrows. I guess we never do out grow the kid still in all of us!

At that young age, I never knew about or realized that the day would come when I would give my life to Christ, enlisting to be a genuine commando in God’s army.  The moment I gave my life to Christ, Satan waged war against me and, believe me, it has not stopped!  The Bible says, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12)
Boy, did Paul get it right! Our battle is not against flesh and blood. Too often we think that our battle is against another person, but in reality we have an adversary, an enemy, that is called “the prince of the power of the air”, also known as Satan. We are reminded that he is busy trying to destroy us. He is the one who battles against you daily.
Every time I say that, I remember a ‘70‘s comedian, Flip Wilson, saying, “The devil made me do it.”  In actuality, the devil gets way too much credit! Too often, we cave in to our temptations without as much as a skirmish. If you and I really desire to please God, we must learn to “fight the good fight” as Paul said, and call upon God for strength!
I no longer have to pretend that I have “armor” that I can wear for battle. If you read the passage referenced below, you will find that God has already given us ALL that we need to stand up to fight against Satan and to live victoriously. It’s simply a matter of “putting on the whole armor of God”. It’s not a physical armor, but spiritual weaponry, none the less, it is real armor worthy for a soldier of God!
We begin our study of God’s armor this Sunday as we look at “Preparing For Spiritual Battle”, laying a foundation for the upcoming weeks. I encourage you to do the study below and come prepared Sunday to worship.

OBSERVATION:  Read- Ephesians 6:10 & 11 What do I see?    

INTERPRETATION: What does it mean?
     (v. 10) “Be strong with the Lord’s mighty power” refers to strength derived from God, not strength we humans have to somehow obtain. The words “be strong” describes the continual empowering of the Christian community. God’s strength and power are part of the Kingdom blessings available to God’s people. The power that raised Christ from the dead also empowers God’s people as they prepare for the spiritual battles they must face on this earth.    
     (v. 11) God empowers his people, but he does not send them into battle unarmed. God’s people must put on ALL of God’s armor (see Romans 13:12). The “panoplia” (or full armor) means complete equipment, head-to-toe protection, both defensively and offensively. This gear was for hand-to-hand combat. This “armor of God”, as mentioned in Isaiah 59:17, describes God as wearing the breastplate of righteousness and the helmet of salvation. Paul wrote this letter while chained to a Roman soldier. Certainly the soldier’s armor must have brought this metaphor to mind. Paul described a divine and complete “outfit” that God gives believers in order to provide all we need to stand firm against all strategies and tricks of Satan, who rules the world of darkness, the kingdom opposed to God. “Stand against” was a military term meaning to resist the enemy, hold the position, and offer no surrender. Satan does not fight fair; he uses subtle tricks, schemes and strategies. Our ability to stand firm depends on our use of “the whole armor of God”.

APPLICATION: How does it apply to my life?

  • (v. 10) Beginning with “Finally ...”, how does this section fit into this letter to the Ephesians?
  • (v. 10) Where is the source of our strength? What does this imply about our own human strength? How available is this God-given strength for us? How do we tap into it? 
  • Read the cross references and fill in the blank on God’s strength for His people:
1.   Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong .... for _________________________________.”
2.   Joshua 1:9 “_______________? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be   dismayed, for ________________________________________.”
3.   Psalm 27:14 “______________; Be strong, and let your heart take courage.”
4.    Psalm 31:24 “Be strong, and let your heart take courage, ALL you who ______________.”
5.    1 Corinthians 16:13 “______________, be strong.” 
6.     2 Timothy 2:1 “You therefore, my son, be strong _____________________.”

  • (v. 11) What will using God’s full armor enable you to do/accomplish?
  • (v. 11) What does the phrase “the devils schemes” tell you about Satan’s activity in this world today?

SUPPLICATION: Where do I need God’s help? What particular area of your life do you desire to see victory in? Take a moment and ask God to help you with it.

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