Friday, September 17, 2010


“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, theCreator of the ends of the earth. (Isaiah 40:28a) [NIV] & (Genesis 1 &2)

What’s the coolest thing you have ever created?

Back ground comments:  
It’s amazing to me how many Christians have varying beliefs about where we came from. They say they believe the Bible yet have difficulty believing that God created everything.
I guess I am just a simple guy who believes and takes God at His Word. I admittedly am one of those who believe that God created the heavens, the earth, all that is on it, under it and over it and you and me. However, this does not dismiss me from encouraging you to develop your own Biblical Worldview on this subject and then defend it. 

Rick Warren and Chuck Colson in their small group study, “Wide Angle”, stated: “God loves us and he made us for a purpose. Although we cannot contemplate life without a purpose, naturalism cannot supply us with one. According to the naturalism worldview we are a result of random mutations and are effectively “complex slime.” Despite this, naturalism, buoyed by Darwinism, is the dominant worldview in secular society today. Darwinism arose in an era that was moving away from biblical truth and replacing Christianity with enlightenment thought.”
Before we get into our questions there are three facts that you need to get familiar with. Again, they are excerpted from “Wide Angle” group study guide. 

  • God made us in His image, which gives each of us innate dignity and provides the essential foundation for ethics.
  • The naturalist, who believes in Darwinian evolution, denies our creation and thus has no basis for human worth.
  • Naturalists (evolutionists) know that they do have innate value even if they can’t find a reason for it in their worldview.
Why is the biblical idea that we are created in the image of God so important?
Is there any connection between Darwinism and moral relativism? If so, what?
Does this connection lead to ethical and moral problems in our society today? How and why?
In your opinion how do you think that science and theology should interact today?
How are “sanctity of life” issues related to the worldview question: “Where did I come from?”
Read Psalm 8, 19 and 139 and answer the question, “What do these passages reveal about God as our creator?
In light of the passages you just read, spend some time in worship. Praise Him and thank Him for creation and for creating you. Thank Him for your senses, the ability to enjoy and appreciate the world, and for your mind that helps you understand it all. Thank Him for the meaning and purpose that your life has. And finally thank Him that you were created in His image.

Get it:
Where do you see the value of human life under attack? What are the worldview ideas behind these attacks?

What can you do to promote the sanctity of life in all its phases?
How would you explain the need for a Biblical Worldview in place of darwinism/naturalism?

Blessings, Pastor Ruben

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