Thursday, September 23, 2010


Scripture(s): “Sin came into the world because of what one man did, and with sin came death.” (Romans 5:12) [NCV]
“There is not a single person in all the earth who is always good and never sins.” (Ecclesiastes 7:20) [NLT]
“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us ... If we claim we have not sinned, we make [God] out to be a liar, and his word has no place in our lives.” (1 John 1:8, 10)[NIV]

Open: What is the biggest deception you have ever bought into?

Back ground comments:     

Would you agree that evil is part of the human condition, and we all contribute to it? Our culture has rejected the idea of sin, placing the blame for the wrong in the world everywhere else, except on ourselves! Although culture and our environment may influence us, they should not determine our behavior. Once we accept responsibility for our actions, sin becomes clear. Even though God created us good, original sin has bent our natures so that we desire the wrong things and act on those sinful desires.

Read the following statements and write down some thoughts about how you feel about them:
  • The problem with the world begins with us.
  • Our society encourages us to try to deny our responsibility for evil.
  • Until we accept sin and our personal responsibility for it, we will never be able to understand life.     
Questions: Explain the impact of original sin (the fall). Why is it important?
What are the different explanations of the question, “Why is the world in such a mess?” “How do nature, and culture influence human behavior and sin?”

Get it: The biblical worldview teaches that sin entered the world because of our free will. God made us in His image, to love Him and to have a relationship with him. However, love must be freely given if it is to be real, and so God gave us the ability to reject Him. Man chose the non-good rather than the good, and as a result our lives have been broken on all levels! Every sin calls into doubt God’s knowledge of what is best; but, because God does know what is best, sin also hurts us and the world we live in.

Read the following statements and write down some thoughts about how you feel about them:
  • God gave us free will so we could love Him. Love that isn’t freely given isn’t love.
  • We often use our free will to reject the good which God offers us.
  • All sin is based on lies, questioning God really loves us or knows what’s best for us.
Questions: How do you think love, free will and human responsibility fit together in God’s plan? Where does temptation end and sin begin?

Apply: No other worldview of sin fits reality. Only the power of Christ can change us and puts us on the road to living a good life. Therefore, those without Christ cannot consistently do good. We are called to recognize and identify sin without being judgmental! We need to take responsibility for our own failings and accept people without approving of their wrong choices.
Questions: Compare the biblical worldview to other explanations of the problem of suffering. Which explanation makes more sense? How have you seen God bringing good out of suffering? Do you think the idea that people cannot lead a righteous life without God is harsh or judgmental? Why? How do you respond when someone says, “Judge not lest ye be judged?” How does a biblical worldview fit with reality? Come prepared to share your insights with your group at your next meeting.
Excerpted from: Wide Angle, Framing Your Worldview by Rick Warren & Charles Colson

Blessings, Pastor Ruben

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